

Drummond, Rob. 2018. Researching urban youth language and identity. Palgrave-Macmillan.

Journal articles

Drummond, Rob. 2020. ‘Teenage swearing in the UK’. English Worldwide. [Available here] Contact Rob if you don’t have access.

Drummond, Rob. 2018. ‘Maybe it’s a grime [t]ing. TH-stopping in urban British youth’. Language in Society. [Open access – available here]

Dray, Susan. 2017. Identity matters: Language practices and the (non)performance of rudeness in a pupil referral unit. Journal of Linguistics and Education. 38: 44-54

Drummond, Rob. 2017. ‘(Mis)interpreting urban youth language: white kids sounding black? Journal of Youth Studies. [Author version here] [JYS version here]

Book chapters

Dray, Susan and Drummond, Rob. 2019. ‘Language variation-in-practice: variationist and ethnographic research methods in collaboration’, In Tustin, Karin (Ed) The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Ethnography. Routledge.

Drummond, Rob. 2018. ‘Urban youth language’. In Clayton, Dan (Ed). Language handbook (2nd Edition). Key thinkers on key topics. EMC

Drummond, Rob. 2018. ‘The changing language of urban youth’. In Braber, Natalie & Sandra Jansen (Eds) Sociolinguistics in England. Palgrave Macmillan.

Mainstream articles

Drummond, Rob. 2019. ‘Researching youth language’. Babel – The Language Magazine, No 27, May.

Drummond, Rob. 2018. ‘Non-standard English is not sub-standard’. TES, 28th Sep. [Available online here]

Drummond, Rob. 2017. ‘Style-shifting – The curious case of MLE and the interview candidates.’ English and Media Centre e-magazine, September, p62-64.

Drummond, Rob. 2016. ‘Skepta, grime, and urban British youth language: a guide’. The Conversation. 21st Sep 2016. [Available online here]