

‘Researching youth language’. English and Media Centre emagazine Student Conference for A Level English Language. 16th October. Friends House, Euston Rd, London.

‘Researching urban youth language’. Invited talk for the Spoken English Research Team at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 3-4 October.


‘Urban youth language, ethnography and impact’. UKLVC11. 29th Aug – 1st Sep, Cardiff University

‘Maybe it’s a Grime [t]ing: th-stopping and urban British youth.’ iMean 5 Conference 2017. 6-8th April, University of the West of England.

‘Utilising urban youth language research: helping teachers deal with things going wrong.’ iMean 5 Conference 2017. 6-8th April, University of the West of England.

‘Urban Youth Language: the Grimy Side of Linguistics Research’. English and Media Centre emagazine Student Conference for A Level English Language. 28th Feb 2017. Friends House, Euston Rd, London


‘It’s a grime [t]ing. Exploring th-stopping in a challenging environment’ Guest Speaker Seminar Series, Queen Mary University, 16th Nov.

‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: youth language and identity in urban Britain’. University of Huddersfield 2nd Annual Linguistics and Modern Languages Postgraduate Conference. 30th June.

‘Becoming Jamal: the materials of ‘prestige’ amongst boys in a Pupil Referral Unit’ Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, 15-18 Jun, University of Murcia.


‘‘Gimme dat ting’: Word initial th-stopping among urban British youth’. NWAV 44, University of Toronto.

‘Tales of the unpredictable: researching TH-stopping in urban British English’ UKLVC 10, University of York.

‘Moments of disconcertment in Manchester’s Pupil Referral Unit: Rethinking ‘language’ by exploring interactions that go wrong’. BAAL Annual Meeting, Aston University.

‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: Youth language and identity in urban Britain’ CELL Research seminar series. MMU.

‘Urban Youth Identity and Language’ Humanities in Public Seminar Series, MMU. All welcome

‘(Mis)Interpreting urban youth language’. Journal of Youth Studies Conference, University of Copenhagen.

‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: Youth language and identity in urban Britain’. SELLLS-CRiLLS Language & Linguistics Speaker Series, Newcastle University.

‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: Youth language and identity in urban Britain’. Lancaster Linguistics Circle. Lancaster University.

‘Keeping up: Experiences on researching precarious spaces and fluid meanings with ‘slow’ methods’. The study of sociolinguistic meaning in the era of ‘big data’: Issues, questions and future directions. Workshop, University of Sheffield.

‘(Mis)Interpreting Urban Youth Language and Identity’. Research Seminar, Department of Languages, Information and Communications, MMU.