‘Researching youth language’. English and Media Centre emagazine Student Conference for A Level English Language. 16th October. Friends House, Euston Rd, London.
‘Researching urban youth language’. Invited talk for the Spoken English Research Team at the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain. 3-4 October.
‘Urban youth language, ethnography and impact’. UKLVC11. 29th Aug – 1st Sep, Cardiff University
‘Maybe it’s a Grime [t]ing: th-stopping and urban British youth.’ iMean 5 Conference 2017. 6-8th April, University of the West of England.
‘Utilising urban youth language research: helping teachers deal with things going wrong.’ iMean 5 Conference 2017. 6-8th April, University of the West of England.
‘Urban Youth Language: the Grimy Side of Linguistics Research’. English and Media Centre emagazine Student Conference for A Level English Language. 28th Feb 2017. Friends House, Euston Rd, London
‘It’s a grime [t]ing. Exploring th-stopping in a challenging environment’ Guest Speaker Seminar Series, Queen Mary University, 16th Nov.
‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: youth language and identity in urban Britain’. University of Huddersfield 2nd Annual Linguistics and Modern Languages Postgraduate Conference. 30th June.
‘Becoming Jamal: the materials of ‘prestige’ amongst boys in a Pupil Referral Unit’ Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, 15-18 Jun, University of Murcia.
‘‘Gimme dat ting’: Word initial th-stopping among urban British youth’. NWAV 44, University of Toronto.
‘Tales of the unpredictable: researching TH-stopping in urban British English’ UKLVC 10, University of York.
‘Moments of disconcertment in Manchester’s Pupil Referral Unit: Rethinking ‘language’ by exploring interactions that go wrong’. BAAL Annual Meeting, Aston University.
‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: Youth language and identity in urban Britain’ CELL Research seminar series. MMU.
‘Urban Youth Identity and Language’ Humanities in Public Seminar Series, MMU. All welcome . http://www.hssr.mmu.ac.uk/hip/201415-events/march-2015-multi-lingual-life/rob-drummond/
‘(Mis)Interpreting urban youth language’. Journal of Youth Studies Conference, University of Copenhagen.
‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: Youth language and identity in urban Britain’. SELLLS-CRiLLS Language & Linguistics Speaker Series, Newcastle University.
‘Linguistic research in a challenging environment: Youth language and identity in urban Britain’. Lancaster Linguistics Circle. Lancaster University.
‘Keeping up: Experiences on researching precarious spaces and fluid meanings with ‘slow’ methods’. The study of sociolinguistic meaning in the era of ‘big data’: Issues, questions and future directions. Workshop, University of Sheffield.
‘(Mis)Interpreting Urban Youth Language and Identity’. Research Seminar, Department of Languages, Information and Communications, MMU.